Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Serious- Cancers, Xeno-Estrogens, and You..

Hi everybody,

You know, I was recently reminded of how serious the issues of plastic and toxins are, again.

For reasons I can't discuss, I am reminded of the fact that the issues of items packaged in plastic, which cause a rise in estrogen and Xeno-Estrogens, and in turn, cause serious health issues, such as cancer.

Let's just say that a few times out loud until it's very very very disturbing. Say it like it applied to a family member, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, yourself.....

Well, for me, someone I love, actually FOUR someones I love alot, out of the blue are now being affected specifically by issues greatly CAUSED and the other greatly worsened by Xeno-Estrogens.

Just sweeping it under the rug, acting like it isn't real, doesn't correlate, doesn't happen, isn't going to make the lives of four people I love so much even remotely better.

I can't possibly begin to discuss the outrage and frustration, and despair I feel when I look across a Vitamin department and see row after row after row of healthy fats in plastic, and drinks in plastic, and then across the way at some microwaved food in plastic....

And it makes me want to cringe.... and sometimes feel so so very very very fucking sad.

You know, why is it that in a department that is supposed to SPECIALIZE in INTENSIVE HEALTH ISSUES, apart from Grocery, where everyone already knows you shouldn't put a fat in plastic, because just for starters, it jacks the flavor up, and makes it taste funky, but also affects the consistency of the oil, and it's properties , and begins the generation of Xeno-Estrogens, MTBE, and Bisphenol A leaching.....

Why the hell in the place where the nutritional focus is supposed to be the MOST INTENSE in a Health Food Store, ARE WE TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT! It's CRAZY! And very very Dangerous!

But let's talk about this in it's reality.... Cancer.... Cells metastasizing and going out of control.... Pain, Agony, a slow creeping misery, or even worse, fast creeping misery, that can affect you any where.... and take your life like a bullet traveling in slow motion at your head, following your life, wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you're with..... that unless stopped somehow... will take your life.

Against the natural order of things, against the design God originally made you to enjoy forever.....

Count the things that you come in contact with during the day that are plastic... your foods, your garbage, your bottles, your bags, your cosmetics, even your freakin' steering wheel in your car....

As someone who had the hand of God reach down and pull this bullet out of it's trajectory, thoughts and memories to me this very day, that are so huge, and so trippy and odd, that some nights after I've spent the whole day talking with people. it still trips me out, and I just lay down in my room, or curl up in a ball on my pappasan, and just cry. It's just too much to comprehend. Happy, sad, big, trippy, and even more so, rooted in God. Some people have such an enmity with God that even to share this with them I can already see would fall on unwilling or resistant, maybe even deaf ears. But it is very good news, and I choose to speak the truth. I don't believe in living a life with things left unsaid, and I'm not going to start now.

I've been reminded that renewed and even more so angered, empowered, and filled with determination that this is all OUT FREAKIN' WAR!


For those people out there who don't believe it yet, you will. We are being lied to, oppressed, and denied the information we need, and more importantly THE HOPE WE ALL DESERVE!

For people that are suffering out there, for issues that have to do with Hormones, people with Parkinsons, people with various types of Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer, sensitive tissues, what is it that you'll tell them about plastics, and mercury, and pesticides and Bisphenol A?

That it's no big deal?

That you don't care?

Or maybe even the best yet, you can pervert Scripture and tell them that God said it's ok to eat anything instead of being freed from the restrictions of old testament food laws. God forbid you should quote a quote about God correctly if it doesn't serve YOU, right? Who cares about everyone else right? Oh wait, God does... The parable of the Good Samaritan? Your Body is a Temple of The Holy Spirit? Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial? Refraining from things that make other's stumble? Being Good Stewards of the Earth? or the clincher, Treating others as you would wish to be treated? out of Love Mercy and Compassion? Step out of the crowd of idiot cultural Christians and READ before you speak if you really want to treat others as you would want to be treated.

Speak the Truth, be accurate, and do it out of love because you don't want someone to needlessly suffer. There's a thought.

If you know that something is toxic, speak up! Stick out! make a BIG NOISE!

Make a big DEAL out of it, BECAUSE IT IS!

Every year my mom does two of the Race for the Cure Walks because she's a breast Cancer Survivor.

I can't tell you how awesome it is to see so many people flipping the bird to cancer by showing how healthy and vibrant they are by walking in solidarity to show they were victorious over something that could have taken their lives.

I don't do the walks, because sometimes it's hard for me to even just say out loud to myself. I'm a lymphoma survivor... Holy Shit. How is that real? But it is so very much, and what joy and strangeness it fills me with when I say it, it really is such an ongoing process I revisit as I'm able.

So, I'm just going to end this by asking....

Will you walk with me and my mom? Will you walk us and everyone else and all the other survivors and make the industry better? Will you stop acting like it's no big deal and do what you can where you can so we can make the world a better place?


When you live a life of love, and your heart open to God, it's amazing what can happen sometimes. And also, the things that can come out of the blue, and the things that can get you down some of the time, when people you love suffer needlessly because of things that need not be.

Walk with us and make the industry better by standing up for purity, steering people to better choices, not passing the buck and acting like you took the safe conversation at the table, and the gathering of friends, the lunch, the dinner, the get together. Don't live a life with things left unsaid.

I think It's not the things you say that you'll regret the most, it's the things you didn't.

Walk with me, and with us, and my family, and make a difference in the world for the better.

Grow, take a stand, and make a difference.

Jeffrey Von Stetten
Jeff's Best Hemp!
Love Mercy Compassion

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful truths spoken in a world of ugly falsities promoted.
    I walk with you. Hand in hand. ~Elizabeth
